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2022-09-13 20:33     (阅读:)



Association of outdoor air pollution with the medical expense of ischemic stroke: The case study of an industrial city in western China[J]. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. (SSCI,第一作者)

Risk factors associated with postoperative complications after liver cancer resection surgery in western China [J]. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation. (SSCI,共同一作)

Cost Control of Treatment for Cerebrovascular Patients Using a Machine Learning Model in Western China[J]. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. (SCI ,第一作者)

Machine learning approaches for the prediction of postoperative complication risk in liver resection patients[J]. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. (SCI ,第一作者)

The Different Classification of Hospitals Impact on the Equity of Health Outcome of Patients in China[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, section Health Economics. (SCI,通讯作者)

The Effects of Outdoor Air Pollutants on the Costs of Stroke Hospitalizations in China[C]. The Fifth International Conference on Health Information Technology Advancement (ICHITA-2019). (EI ,第一作者)

Promotion Strategy of Reduce Fare-dodging Based on System Dynamics from the Perspective on Evolutionary Game[C]. 2021 International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Date (ICEIB-2021). (EI ,通讯作者)


2018.9-2022.6 四川大学/商学院 管理科学与工程(博士)

2012.9-2015.6 昆明理工大学/管理与经济学院 物流工程(硕士)

2007.9-2011.6 四川理工学院(现四川轻化工大学)/生物工程学院 生物工程(本科)




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